The image link should lead straight to a QuickTime download (no audio). If there are any problems, let me know. I won’t be able to solve them, as I haven’t a clue what I’m doing, but it would still be good to know.
No, that's not a dress, that’s a Junior League football top on a rather small six year old. Brownie points for anyone who can identify the superhero transfer on the back of Zig’s splints (it’s not Spiderman; Spiderman graced the last pair, and will probably grace the next, if only because the Evil Nemsesist NHS does not provide orthotic transfers of baddies. Curses).
A couple of seconds of this or similar Ziggy footage (arf) begins a current BBC trail for Junior League football.
I don’t know what to make of it, really. Stand on a chilly faux grass field for an hour or so on a Sunday morning. Shoot , reshoot and shoot again a small boy with C.P kicking / missing a ball into / away from a goal. Shoot, reshoot and shoot again that small boy cheering and celebrating with genuine fona bide Junior Leaguers. Fiddle with it all for a while and voila: Zig scores a goal.
Got to be good, hasn’t it? Still, when I watch it I feel as mixed up, muddled up and shook up as a Kinks narrative voice.
Thanks Reg.
Things To Do
Pressies from kids:
Christmas dinner: yeah, right.
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