There's nothing to incriminate me, luckily. Nothing but both school administrators and the Year 1 teacher. Oh, and the head. The head, and the tail of glitter that spooled with me from the pool of glitter I sort of might have rippled around my boots.
Glitter incriminates. You! You were doing Christmas! You have glitter on your cheek! And in your hair! Where? Where in my hair? There in your hair! Right there!
One class has Visitors. The parents have been informed, told, and Told. Heads brush when you're helping, so teacherly hair is brushed with conditioner of an evening, and combed through and through again with a small steel comb with tight tight tines.
Comb, wipe, clear. Comb, wipe, clear.
Comb, wipe, clear. Comb, wipe, clear.
Comb, wipe, clear. Comb, wipe, clear.
Comb, wipe, clear. Comb, wipe, clear.
Comb, wipe, wait. Speck, squint: glitter.

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