So I moved quick and fast and fleet of foot, and found economy shower gel, and enjoyed a rare non-economy of time with Gareth. Over an economy lunch.
I’ve bought all my pressies before today. I have all my pressies. My pressies are in the building.
But still, the lure, the glister, the twinkle.
I was sucked - sucked, I tell you - from the German market on St Peter’s Square, up and into the Town Hall. Case after case of jewellery. 'Designer' jewellery.
Impractical, ill-conceived tat, and all wholly overpriced.
But still, the lure, the glister, the twinkle.
Is the lure of the worm on the hook its glister and twinkle? I did not fall flopping and flubbering from the net to the deck. I was not bashed on the head and stuffed in ice. I was not sold and gutted and battered and fried. I have no earrings.
Tucked politely into a window space behind regimented trawlers of the luring the glistering the twinkling the ill-conceived the wholly overpriced, I met Barbirolli in tryptych, and was redeemed.
That'll be three of your finest Father Christmas hats, please, shopkeep.

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