Hairykid is the best dog in the world, ever. He is my mate, in English terms. He lives with my big sister and is ten and a half.

I like seeing Hairykid. He has long since tagged me as alternate Alpha Female. He jumps onto my lap and stares with triumph and disdain down his big, long, black and white Hairykid nose at my kids. Who love him. And cuddle him. He tolerates it.
I like Hairykid’s company. We spent last week at my big sister’s, so look after Hairykid and the cats while they tented it off down to Brands Hatch for bike stuff with each other, and down to Kent for beach stuff with daughter-niece and the other, newer, more typically doggy dog.
I had Hairykid’s company for a day or so. Sharing every chair or sofa, doggy smelly back to my front; doggy smelly belly exposed for tickles; big, long black and white Hairykid nose against my cheek. Snoring, snorting doggy breath.
A phonecall to my big sis, a phonecall to me, and we popped Hairykid along to his vet’s for a couple of days residency.
Hairykid had had a nasty bellyache a couple of days before, a nasty belly ache a couple of months before.
The blood tests were back.
Hairykid stayed with the vet until Sunday afternoon, and offered me his belly on return. Stuffed his big, long, black Hairykid nose into my hand. We left the Hairykid and drove the couple of hundred miles up, across and home.
Hairykid is having more blood tests today, but, from what I understand, they are not necessary.
Pacreatitis, acute necrotizing pancreatitis, means that his enzymes are eating him away from the inside out. There isn’t a cure that has worked.
Love you, Hairykid.

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